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Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:22 am

Sorry, Chris, misread part of your post yesterday. Got to try out a new and exciting combination of meds last night, wheeee ....

Anyway, there is a massive difference between steeping for weeks, and just vigorously shaking, letting it sit for some hours.
While Diacetone has become so unfashionable, good creamy or custardy flavours are getting tricky to find, that is just one of many different "evil chemicals!!" that won't diffuse through your juice in any hurry.
Back when I'd still buy the aromas sold specifically for vaping, and paying the surcharge on there, I'd notice some aromas would come with a steeping recommendation of a few days, with a 50/50 base. Others would be sold "no less than two weeks!!".
I've tried just letting steep either variety for a day or so. Just shake until the layers of stuff with different density had dissolved, one homogenous looking mess, let sit. The flavour could be anything between "Wow! This is what actual nothing tastes like! I now have a new zest for life, I must live every second to the max! Taxi! Vegas!!" and "Wow! This is what my favourite, delicious juice tastes like after it has been weaponized in a Soviet-era chemical weapons lab in Kazakhstan, was used by a central-asian despot to decimate a troublesome province, there polluted the narcotics crop, thus ended up being swallowed by some douchebag-techno-boy and finally being pissed out, into a Soviet era urinal in the greater Petropavlovsk metro area."
Seriously, I'd get hit in the head with something that only faintly resembled one of my favourite flavours at the time, but that made me honestly retch. It was a dirty urinal, too.

I've been using my magnetic stirrer for so long, I couldn't even remember rules-of-thumb for how long to let stuff steep.
I googled, and this sounds about right:
- tobacco and chocolate aromas take longest to steep sans heat, 14 days or more.
- vanilla, nutty things, creamy stuff, 24 to 72 hours.
- most fruity aromas, if used with a base suitable for easy diffusion, can be vaped immediately.

However, like for any rule, there's an exception. Especially for rules of thumb around here.
My favourite Tiramisu aroma, that I ended up with after trying quite a few from different brands. 14 days is the recommended minimum steep time for that. Mad coincidence of chocolatey, creamy and fruity. I did try with just a week once. Not so good. About 12 to 18 hours on the magnetic stirrer, fine as can be.

Stirrer recommendation: pay attention to the magnet. Ideally, you want the poles on opposite sides of the axis, radially speaking. Nice, strong neodymium. I just glued a magnet out of an old harddisk in the middle. It works, and I don't fix what ain't broke. But it could work better.

Trouble: tiny little magnets, they don't do the job very well. Big old magnets don't spin up very quick and don't reach a high maximum speed. You want your magnet to spin as quick as possible, obviously. However, at some point, the fish won't be able to accelerate along with the rotor. At that maximum speed, the fish will "decouple" if you will, and then sit in the dish, just faintly vibrating, while the rotor can now spin up to full power.
You need a little finesse to set that up. After starting up the thing, set at one speed or another, don't alter the speed setting immediately. Wait. It takes a minute, literally a minute, for the fish to accelerate in high-VG, comparatively high-viscosity juice.
You want to find a speed where there is vertical movement of juice. Ideally, the-force-that-shall-not-be-named will create a funnel above the spinning fish, and you can see it all rolling around an annular, horizontally oriented axis, while also spinning around the vertical.
After initially reaching that, the funnel max actually close up a little as more liquid accelerates, but that's okay.

If there were absolutely anything to be afraid of, don't you think I would have worn pants?

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Magnum Jihad
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:43 am

makes sense. I've done a few basic mixes so far and had varying results... guess I can post up what I'm mixing, and results as they come through. for what it's worth, all ingredients were purchased through (no, I'm not endorsing them particularly, nor receiving any benefit for dropping their name, it's really just for reference, as I'm sure different brands will yield slightly different results).

notes that will apply to all blends:
- nicotine is sourced as 50/50 VG-PG blend, strenght 24mg/ml
- all flavors used are primarily PG based

(will continue to edit to add more, just want to save this before something happens and I lose it)
butter rum: 30 ml batch, 1/14/17:
- 6ml butter rum flavor
- ~3.75 ml nicotine
- ~20.25 ml VG
Initial impression is that 20% flavoring is too strong for butter rum, "steeping" limited to an hour in hot water (heated just below boiling and allowed to cool in open air over the hour). Definite cloudy appearance to juice, but that may be because I measured VG in a syringe and then squeezed it out through a blunt-tipped needle, which seemed to get a lot of air suspended in the VG (have not had this issue with any other blend where I've poured into a measuring container). Juice seems to be clearing up after sitting for a few days, flavor profile is not changing much with increasing time.
There, I said it.

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Magnum Jihad
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:45 pm

ok, editing time limits cause a need for a new post.

trial mix 2 (not sure what to call it, was hoping for a pecan pie)
30 ml batch, 1/14/17:
- 3ml cake batter flavor
- 2ml pecan flavor
- 1ml bourbon flavor
- ~3.75 ml nicotine
- ~20.25 ml VG
I was warned that the bourbon flavoring was really strong, but I did not realize how overpowering the cake batter flavor was going to be. Again, just left the bottle in hot water for about an hour and tried it after about 24 hours. I've let it sit since then and will try it again this week to see if it's mellowing out at all. Initial thought is to modify the proportions to be 3 ml pecan, 2 ml bourbon, 1 ml cake batter. We'll see.

20 mL batch, 1/16/17
3 mL tobacco flavoring
~2.5 mL nicotine
14.5 mL VG
This was mainly to get a sense of how strong the flavor is, and to get an idea of what I want to mix with it. One of my favorite off-the-shelf juices is a vanilla/almond/tobacco flavor that I think I want to try to replicate. This doesn't smell very appealing as I was mixing it, will let it sit for a week or so before I try it.

possibly the most useful of all, I had a coffee flavor that was WAY too strong. put it in a measuring flask, came out to about 20mL. to dilute flavor by 50% and maintain the 3mg target nicotine, I added ~1 mL nicotine and 9 mL VG. Yeah, by calculation, with my nicotine blend I'd require 1.25 mL nicotine, but I'm afraid 1/4 mL is a bit finer than my syringe can reliably measure. shook up the mixture by hand for about 5 minutes and initial impression is that it's now exactly where it should have been to begin with.
There, I said it.

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:18 pm

Blunt needle, ey?
I'm using veterinarian's 1.5mm needles, a little under 17 gauge. Couldn't find any blunts in that size, thus far. But the biggest needles I could easily obtain (ebay). Anything I could buy at the pharmacy just had me tearing my hair out/breaking my fingers trying to draw up any amount of even fairly low-viscosity stuff like aroma.
What size do you use?
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:23 am

not sure. the only listing I see for needles they sell that mentions gauge says 18ga, I bought this 5-pack from them: ... edles.html" onclick=";return false;

I also had a typo above on my coffee dilution... my nicotine blend has to be diluted 1:8 to hit my 3 mg/mL target, so 1.25 mL for every 10mL total fluid added. I added ~2.5mL nicotine and 17.5 mL VG to dilute my coffee flavor from 20 mL to 40 mL.
There, I said it.

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Baron von Scrapple
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by Jaeger » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:57 am

So Brothah Golgo once again provided excellent advice regarding all things vape.

I've been bitching about the outrageous cost of buying Kanger's premade coils, and the rebuildable one provided with their kit is... sub-optimal, to be as diplomatic as possible. Still, I was chatting with him about possibly buying another rebuildable Kanger coil when he said "Don't get another coil head. Get yourself a nice little RTA." (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer, for the uninitiated.)

For anyone who's thinking of jumping over to vaping (and if you're still smoking cigarettes, you really should), I will wholeheartedly recommend the Kanger SuBox kit (another recommendation from this thread). It's been a faithful little rig, and with the exception of the cost of the coils I have no complaints. I've beaten the shit out of it and it still does its thing without complaint. I'm really shocked the plexiglass tank hasn't cracked given the number of times I've dropped it. The only issues I've ever had is the battery terminal getting fucked up when dropped, and that's fairly fixable with a small screwdriver (the contact gets whacked out of alignment so the spring can't push it back in place, just gotta pop it loose).

The premade Kanger coils themselves are generally fine, mind you, it's just that they're about $3 a piece and they only last a couple days before getting scorched. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

After picking Golgo's brain he recommended the ELeaf Lemo 2.


With a little research I found one I could get delivered to my door for $30. Considering a 5-pack of the Kanger coils is about $15 (more if bought in local vape shop)—compared to $10 worth of wire and cotton that will probably last me MONTHS—it was a no-brainer.

It arrived yesterday. It will likely remain on my little Kanger mod until one of the two dies. Thus far it's superior in practically every way to what I've been using. The original tank will be relegated to backup duty, or when I'm travelling and don't have time to fuss with re-wicking or any of that crap.

As expected, it works perfectly with the Kanger mod -- the edges of it even align perfectly so it looks like it was specifically made for it. Feels good in the hand, etc. Only difference is the color, and honestly I don't give a damn. I kind've like it.

The draw seems better than the Kanger, and I think the taste is better too. This is one of those "why the fuck didn't I do this in the first place?" moments.

So there you have it. The lesson is: "Listen to the Kraut when he gives you advice about vape shit, he knows what he's talking about."

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go smoke a strawberry pie. :mrgreen:

Bigshankhank wrote:The world is a fucking wreck, but there is still sunshine in some places. Go outside and look for it.
2018 Indian Scout -- "Lilah"

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:24 am

On the matter of dropping the vape:
"vape band".
You slip one (or sixteen, depending on taste) over the glass of your atomizer.
Your local vape shop should have some, and they should cost only pennies.
I've actually had glass tanks burst like a coward when hitting the ground. In other situations, the little elastic ring I have on my unconcealed-carry atomizer saved the day.
Also, note: When reassembling the device. Be GENTLE. I have, at times (and with the predecessor model to the Lemo 2) destroyed threads, and bolts. On other occasions, I've cracked the glass tank, even when unscrewing what holds it down (well, that was one occasion).
Make sure to put a drop of juice on your o-rings and gaskets and spread it around a bit.
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Magnum Jihad
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:11 am

So Jaeger, does this mean you're comfortable with doing your own coils and wicking? I've found it kind of fun. If you don't want to completely give up on your kanger rebuildable coil head, try enlarging the holes in the cylinder (that feed the coil with juice) just a bit. It seems to have helped mine quite a bit, but I've pretty much fallen in love with my Billow v3 RTAs.

Dual coils means you burn through more juice, and they're a bit bigger in diameter (25mm vs 22mm), but they fit perfectly on the Tesla Invader III box I've got when it has the silicone skin on (also thanks to DG's recommendation). Even though it burns through more juice, I've found the 15mL tank to be adequate for the time I generally spend away from home.

Unfortunately, even with a tank band I just broke another piece of glass on my Billow. Not even anything impressive, simply had the mod sitting on the ground next to my foot, it tipped over and cracked when it landed all of 4" from where it started. Thankfully the 5 replacement glass pieces I bought out of Shyna back in December finally showed up, so I've still got two working tanks.

DG, any recommendations on RDAs? Now that I'm mixing juices, I've occasionally found that 5mL of a particular blend may be more than I actually want to go through before I've made my decision. As it is, I think I'm close to replicating one of my favorite flavors that's just way too damn expensive to keep buying, considering I easily go through more than 30mL/week." onclick=";return false;
There, I said it.

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:14 am

jae wrote:Dual coils means you burn through more juice, and they're a bit bigger in diameter (25mm vs 22mm),
I presume you mean a 25mm variant of the Kanger? Coz I got a whole bunch of 22mm RDAs where I'd put dual-coils in. And a couple of RTAs, like the Gemini I had presented here earlier.
Heck. When I was still using my Lemo, predecessor to the one I recommended to Jaeger, with an even slightly smaller deck than the latter, I'd fiddle dual coils in there just for the heck of it.
TINY deck. Single air-hole. Barely suitable for a single coil, really. It's all a matter of determination. :mrgreen:
jae wrote:DG, any recommendations on RDAs?
For flavour testing, I use my Temple 25mm or a clone of the 26650 Doge. The former is very nice to work with, nice, spacious deck, while the latter brings surprisingly good flavour and was cheap from China. I am presently expecting delivery of another pair of RDAs from China, though that might take a few weeks.

The Doge 26650:
Caveat: The three post design may be different in the original. It's a bit ... taxing to work with that, when one screw in the middle acts on two coils.

The Temple:

Caveats on the Temple: Airholes are a bit low, so it gets messy quickly if you over drip just a bit. The screws aren't so suitable for big wire arrangements, anything bigger than a Clapton and the heads stick out so far, they interfere with the AFC cap and create a short. Sometimes, in that case, the chuff cap off of the Doge will fit, if not very well. I'm considering replacing the stock units with grub screws.
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I said I have a big stick.

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Magnum Jihad
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:30 am

DerGolgo wrote: I presume you mean a 25mm variant of the Kanger?
No, sorry, the statement about enlarging the holes was directed at the kanger rebuild-able head. The 25mm size was speaking of the latter-mentioned, and my favorite RTA so far, the Billow V3.
There, I said it.

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Magnum Jihad
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:45 am

DerGolgo wrote: The Doge 26650:
Caveat: The three post design may be different in the original. It's a bit ... taxing to work with that, when one screw in the middle acts on two coils.
That looks a lot like the first one I bought, the Advken Mad Hatter

unfortunately, the center post screw stripped out the second time I tried to use it, rendering the deck pretty much useless (until I can find a set of tiny taps and a larger set screw)

I've been looking at the Wotofo Freakshow V2, mostly because it's got a layout I seem to like, it's got good reviews, and the price is right. ... 2-rda.html" onclick=";return false;

Also been looking at the Fumytech Cyclon VT. A little more expensive, but with more positive reviews ... t-rda.html" onclick=";return false;
There, I said it.

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:24 pm

I had a Mad Hatter, too. That chuff-cap with the hinge was dope.
Good fun, when it wasn't leaking as heck.
I remember, 'twas in 2015. ALL multi-coil atomizers had three post decks. That was just how the things were made. Some had four or five posts, but all with an increasingly awkward centre post.
Then, the Velocity RDA came out. Hence the term, "velocity deck". I would use any number of other RDA upper assemblies on that, bought a few clones just so I'd always have spare decks. That thing was really gold when I came out.
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I said I have a big stick.

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Magnum Jihad
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:37 am

I took some time last night to do maintenance on my older billow RTA (while watching Kung Fury), and glad I did. One of the original coils had apparently sagged a bit and grounded out on the deck, managed to short the coil wire. I used some of my quad-twist kanthal wire, doubled it on itself and twisted again with my electric drill (so I guess I'm up to 8 parallel twisted wires) and wrapped some new coils. I'm very happy with the way these are performing, but man do they get hot quick, even on the lowest setting on the tesla. I still need to get a good impedance tester to see what these measure, but it's low enough my kanger mod just flashes 9.99, so it looks like it's below 0.2 ohm.

If you like truly B-level (or more accurately, probably C- or D-level) movies with an overly stressed 80's vibe, I can't recommend Kung Fury enough. I find it very entertaining in much the same way Big Trouble in Little China is still fun to watch. Only about 30 minutes long, so even if you hate it there's not much investment.

There, I said it.

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:18 pm

Today should have been a good vaping day.
Took delivery of two new atomizers. And I'd even be able to build coils, as my new blowtorch had also come. The old one had conked out a week ago, new one in the pickup station.
And new one back in the mail. POS flicked a bit, and died, within a fucking minute. Plenty of gas, wouldn't ignite. :x
"Ah," I thought, "I have a bunch of notch coils leftno I have no notch coils left." :(
So, no initiating of the new atomizers.
So I turned to my other vaping project. Been building a pulse-width modulation circuit, to implant into an otherwise deceased cheap-crap device. First attempt had worked for a few seconds, but I had managed to destroy it upon installation in the mod. :(
So, soldersoldersolder, DONE! Even managed to solder new wires onto the LED-voltmeter device again, fucking SMDs all over the place - and it works!
And the mod as a whole doesn't! :(

Fucking heck.
And I'm not done. I'm prepping to put a new batch of poppy-seed-cake e-juice on the magnetic stirrer. And don't you know it, one of two serviceable magnetic fish is nowhere to be found. Lost, presumed dead. :x

There was a time when this series of events would have effected me severely. But I didn't even flinch when my Duna rocket somehow mislaid one of its crewmen and then wouldn't point the right way for Duna orbit injection and I had to start over yet again. I think these new pills are doing me good.
If there were absolutely anything to be afraid of, don't you think I would have worn pants?

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Baron von Scrapple
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by Jaeger » Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:59 pm

DerGolgo wrote:...And I'm not done. I'm prepping to put a new batch of poppy-seed-cake e-juice on the magnetic stirrer. ...
What the fuck is he smoking (and where can I get some)? :shock: :mrgreen:

Bigshankhank wrote:The world is a fucking wreck, but there is still sunshine in some places. Go outside and look for it.
2018 Indian Scout -- "Lilah"

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:14 am

Jaeger wrote:
DerGolgo wrote:...And I'm not done. I'm prepping to put a new batch of poppy-seed-cake e-juice on the magnetic stirrer. ...
What the fuck is he smoking (and where can I get some)? :shock: :mrgreen:

I don't smoke. But I vape delicious, rich poppy seed cake, sweet but not too much, hhrrmmmmm...

I mix it from a "Lebensmittelaroma", literally a "life resource aroma". Or "food aroma", if you insist on a translation with no zazz or panache. They used to sell it as vaping aromas there, but rather than comply with laws tailor made to suit large tobacco corporations and their move into e-cigs, they just changed the label. I don't know whether they ship to the US, though. ... ittelaroma" onclick=";return false;
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Magnum Jihad
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:13 pm

Twisted up another pair of double-quadruple twist coils and got the dripper going again. "Fixed" the center post thread by wrapping the set screw with a tiny piece of tin foil to make it fit a bit tighter in the hole, seems to have worked.


Last project for the evening is to rewick my other billow tank and mix up a pecan toffee bourbon juice.

There, I said it.

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:31 am

jae wrote: "Fixed" the center post thread by wrapping the set screw with a tiny piece of tin foil to make it fit a bit tighter in the hole, seems to have worked.
Engineers FTW!

I got myself two new atties I want to recommend:

The Buddhe Z V3
You see those BIG postholes? Them is big postholes. The old-fashioned, slit-head or whatchacallit screws are a bit annoying. The rest is great. HUGE airflow for a 30mm. All the stuff that's annoying about the Temple, it's not annoying on this one. The airholes in the sides are up high enough so it doesn't make a mess the whole time. And eve if you dump in enough juice so it'd come out there, no worries. There's a SECOND set of air-holes, in the cap. Turn 90°, the side-holes close up, the top-holes align with the coils. Can be separately shut off by rotating the drip tip. Both set of holes open at once is too much, actually. With the top holes, the flavour is pretty good, actually.

The Mose
Small, fiddly, complicated, BUT. You literally have to turn the thing on its head for any leakage, all the airflow is from the top. Tastes pretty good, too.
I have a clone, and the cloners made the postholes too big, actually. Bigger than in this image. So the wire has plenty of room next to the screw, which is a problem, but a determination soluble one.
If there were absolutely anything to be afraid of, don't you think I would have worn pants?

I said I have a big stick.

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
Location: Potato

Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:31 am

So, I've been soldering for a while.
Last year, I got my hand on a supposedly rather foolprof design for a pulse-width-modulation circuit. I collected the parts, but was delayed because some humble little diodes weren't available for some time. Then, to add something to something else, I had to spend a month in a neuro-rehab clinic, and the project fell asleep after that.
After I was put on some new pills a while back, I started it up again. After about four iterations of assembling it, I had it done and fired it up - and noticed I had forgotten an important little resistor.
After adding it, it wouldn't fire. I correctly suspected the MOSFET, but as luck had it, or advance-planning rather, I had a redundant MOSFET on hand.
And, voila. I push the button, electricity comes out, and I can vape on merrily. Unfortunately, it doesn't respond to any adjustments of the poti, it's full power, all the time. I suspect an assembly error or damage to the control-circuit and/or the 555 IC it is built around.
I don't know whether I'll try to fix that or just be happy I have a working serial mech-mod that, apparently, delivers something between 7.9 and 8.25 Volts, depending on which measuring-instrument I believe. Pretty useful, still. The atomizer that you see, the "Fat Boy", with four coils in parallel at 0.20 Ohms, only gives me 5.8V when I measure parallel to the coils, which about fits well with how it performs.
Question: What current is that MOSFET rated for?
Answer: Nominal rating is 40A. According to spec-sheet, max. continuous current is 78A, peak current (for a fraction of a second) is something in the three digits. Enough.
Question: What's that fat silvery stuff connecting the MOSFET to everything else?
Answer: Silver wire. Copper core, coated in silver. 1.2mm I think I recall, but I can't be arsed to check it with the calipers right now.
Question: Those solders look fucking awful!
Answer: Yes.
Question: Seriously. That thing looks like it'll cause a fast-fission or something, aren't you afraid?
Answer: No.
Question: The work looks so fucking horrible, aren't you ashamed of showing it around?!
Answer: A lifetime of humiliation has reduced me to be quite shameless.
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:00 pm

The other day, this one arrived:

Yes, that's all one device - the full set comes with three glass tanks, in 20ml, 10ml and 5ml. AND the tank can be left out, the RTA becomes an RDA. Hence, RDTA, actually.
Doesn't make quite as big clouds as I usually prefer.
The aroma is OUTSTANDING. Tastes ossumossumossum!
Once you've got the hang of it, it's reasonably straight-forward to build and I highly recommend it.

EDIT: It's the Steamcrave Aromamizer Plus.
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:45 am

what is it?
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:40 am

jae wrote:what is it?
Whoops, sorry ... last time that happened to me, I was announcing the acquisition of my 750 ...

It's the Steamcrave Aromamizer Plus.
Apart from the Modfather 40mm, it's the current "unobtanium" in my vaping circle around here. Even though, unlike the Modfather 40mm, the Aromamizer Plus isn't really unobtanium but, rather, is quite obtainable, if you know where to look. If you shop around, you shouldn't pay much more than $50 for the base unit, plus a little for the "extension" kits of bigger tank and screw-on chimney extension.
Only downside I've found so far is refilling. No matter how gently I try and fasten the top cap, when I try to undo it so as to get to the refill holes it covers up, the structural element underneath will also turn. Which ends up messy.
It's not so bad if you, like myself, use the 20ml tank, which is more than enough to keep this puppy going for pretty much a day. Still, there is no knurling on the structural element that insists on turning along, which isn't helpful. Still, I will eventually work out how gently to tighten it, doesn't affect my purchase recommendation.
If there were absolutely anything to be afraid of, don't you think I would have worn pants?

I said I have a big stick.


Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by skybbc » Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:02 pm

you guys have any recommended vape pens for new user??

eleaf ijust s

smok alien

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:39 am

I, too, started with the good old Eleaf ego-T.
Went to a box-mod after that, with different clearomizers. And an RTA after that.
Many beginners here actually start out with a Kanger Subbox arrangement, as recommended here earlier. No idea 'bout pens, sorry.
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:32 am

the kanger subox kit was a good one to start with. are you interested in pens because of the size, shape, or cost?

if it's a cost and/or size issue, I'm tempted to check out one of these, both because of how much I like the Tesla mod I've already got, and because it's an interesting compact shape that still uses a real tank. ... r-kit.html" onclick=";return false;

/\ that is a TINY tank, but they also have a slightly larger version \/ : ... d-kit.html" onclick=";return false;

for another AIO recommendation, a couple of my friends (who also started on the subox kit, and went to the Nebox with poor results) are now using the Kanger Cupti 2 and really like it. ... r-kit.html" onclick=";return false;
Last edited by jae on Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by Jaeger » Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:59 pm

I'll second the Kanger Subox for a starter kit. It kept me adequately nicotinated for about a year. The only real issue is the goddamn coils (they're expensive) but for sheer reliability and durability it's pretty damn good.

As I've mentioned in this thread earlier, I recently got a Lemo 2 replacement atomizer that I use on the Kanger mod. It works very nicely, the only thing that troubles me is that it's more fragile than the Kanger. Otherwise, right now the Kanger atomizer only comes out when I'm travelling. (That or I use snus, which is much more discrete.)

Bigshankhank wrote:The world is a fucking wreck, but there is still sunshine in some places. Go outside and look for it.
2018 Indian Scout -- "Lilah"


Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by skybbc » Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:24 pm

DerGolgo wrote:I, too, started with the good old Eleaf ego-T.
Went to a box-mod after that, with different clearomizers. And an RTA after that.
Many beginners here actually start out with a Kanger Subbox arrangement, as recommended here earlier. No idea 'bout pens, sorry.
hi,thanks,but it seems the online vendors not have the skanger subox in stock now:( ... it-Black-p" onclick=";return false; ... m-full-kit" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:43 am

Hm. Possibly, I'm a bit outta the loop and something else has become popular these days. Been stuck at home for a year now.

Lotta retailers don't have their own websites - why should they, in the age of ebay and Amazon Marketplace. ... 2773669130" onclick=";return false; ... 2409540964" onclick=";return false;

There may be better offers hidden someplace, but I found these right at the top of my search.
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by jae » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:03 pm

got a bit of new gear in... bought this Innoken mod and a new tank, and was kind of surprised to see that the mod I bought came with its own tank

Itazte Hunter and Moradin RTA. So far I like the RTA ok, it's better than the kanger mini tank, but does not have as large a deck or as much air flow as the billow v3. Still, seems a nice top fill design and I like that the airflow control ring slides up to block both the air port and the juice to the coils, so seems like it might stem leaking issues better than the billow.

Moradin RTA

and the "surprise" tank, appears to only take pre-made coils, I'll probably test it out with the temp control settings at some point. It's the "iSub V".


On wattage setting, I like the Hunter so far. Only holds a single battery, but I like that it actually has a display that shows battery level, tank ohm reading, volt output and duration of hit, though the duration of hit seems kind of useless as you can't see the display while using it.
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Zaphod's Zeitgeist
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Re: Coming up a cloud. Where vapists gather!

Post by DerGolgo » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:02 am

I've officially given up on my 26650 project and caved in.
I bought a quad-18650 mod.
This is the iJoy Maxo Quad. It is neither the smallest quad mod, nor does it have the biggest power specs. What it DOES have is that it actually delivers as much power as is advertised, which isn't always a given. I've checked with my voltmeter, and the displayed values hold up.
It's also got settings for different power delivery for soft, normal and hard power buildup and it does temperature control for titanium, nickel and stainless steel. Haven't tried that, but some may like it.
Me, I'm vaping away with going on half a horsepower.
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If there were absolutely anything to be afraid of, don't you think I would have worn pants?

I said I have a big stick.

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