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Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:14 pm
by gazza
Good summary of the game. Hammers are on a two win streak and have Man U tomorrow night.

A draw would be heavenly.

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:21 pm
by gazza
Did anyone see the leg breaking tackle on Arsenal's Jack Ramsey today?



Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:01 pm
by Drift
I was watching, that was gruesome.

Didn't seem like a collision that would have that kind of outcome.

I feel for the kid.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:44 pm
by gazza
International action, any comments?

I expected the US/Netherlands result.

Egypt went up 1-0 at the half at Wembley, that was exciting, but I am glad England came through.

Germany 0-1 Argentina - tough call
France 0-2 Spain France seem to be fading fast.


Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:46 am
by Drift
I too expected the US/Nederlands result. I forgot to set my DVR and ended up watching it on the net at work (did I happen to mention that I'm the world's best employee?). However, I was encouraged by how well we did do (in the second half) considering all of the injuries to key players. There were a few really good runs and solid chances. Landon needs to step up the visible profile of his leadership on the field.

And the Dutch midfield? Crushing. The US players need to watch that midfield and emulate it.

I haven't made the rounds on the soccer sites today. I'm gonna hit up some highlights clips for the rest.

And if you didn't notice, I changed the name on the thread as we're going farther than just MLS. I think we need to get Dan to make this a sticky.

UEFA Champions league - Arsenal v Porto

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:45 pm
by Drift
So, apparently Porto's win in the first leg against Aresnal was a mega-fluke, as The Gunners destroyed Porto 5-nil in the second.

I was home sick, watching live on FSC and if you didn't see Samir Nasri's 3or4 on 1 goal, you missed a stunner. Purest of jangleplatz on a pitch filled with jangleplatz.


Why won't the embed code from Youtube work?

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:50 pm
by gazza
I watched that last night too. I am not a big Nasri fan, but that was some excellent shit.

Oh, guess who has two season opener tickets to the D.C. United game?

This guy. D.C. vs NE Rev. April 3 or 4th, I can't remember right now.


Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:59 pm
by Drift
Awesome on the tix.

Guess who's on his way to the Sounders / Portland Cinders (MLS 2011) Charity Shield match in oh...about an hour?..yeah that's right, this guy (making Fonzie thumbs). Time for some pints and screamin.

The Needles are going to put the spankt on the Portland Scum!!!!


UP UP THE ECS!!! :evil:

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:39 pm
by gazza
Sounds great. Let me know how it goes.

The tumblers

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:37 am
by Drift
Well...that could have gone better. The night kinda went like this: :D :) :( :o :shock: :yuck: :x

No excuses. We dominated every stat line but the score line and went down 1-0. It was really frustrating to hear how over the preseason, which has been a relatively long one, we've made improvements to our main weakness - finishing goals when the chances present themselves, only to have that be the very reason we end up losing to a 2nd division side.

Our two main forward scoring threats, Steve Zakuani and Freddy Montero seemed like they hadn't made any progress since the last day of last season. Montero continually pulled up on runs into the box and instead of being there when the cross came, was two or three steps behind, and there were a few PERFECT balls laid across the mouth of the goal. It made him look lazy. Zakuani is just hesitant to pull the trigger and is always looking for one more pass or move. Ex-Aresenal man, Fredy Ljungberg, was also pushed up front and showed some real fire in the belly for it being a charity "friendly" (no such thing in the SEA/PDX rivalry). The one positive I can note is better, more accurate movement of the ball. Last year it seemed like passes were inaccurate and without zip, having to be played by more than one touch most of the time. This year one-touch control and confidence seems much improved.

The Sounders couldn't seem to put together any long threatening runs and honestly looked like they'd been together for a couple of weeks instead of a month and a half.

Portland on the other hand, was tough in their half of the pitch. With Freddy and Zak constantly slowing the attack, Portland showed real discipline in getting nearly everyone in the box every time there was a threat and it had it's desired result of making open chances few and far between. But that's the big leagues, right? Got to thread it.

Their lineup contained a bunch of last minute additions, all MLS guys positioning themselves to be on the squad next year. On the Portland discussion board today, their supporters were calling it probably the best lineup they had ever fielded, and even the best that had ever been fielded by a USL team. One thing, they made the Sounders look small.

Though kinda rough, they were scrappy and capitalized (once) on their chances and our mistakes. Our best defender, JK Hurtado went into brain freeze and screwed the pooch on one of the two breakaway runs, leading to a goal that no keeper on earth could have stopped(even our legendary keeper Kasey Keller - exFulham). They actually should have had two, but pushed it just wide to get rejected by the post on a gaping, open net.

All credit to Portland for playing tough and getting the job done where it counts - the score line.

Thank jebus this was only the preseason. It also showed well that 19,000 came out to support in the wind and pouring rain, for a nearly unadvertised match.

Our new striker, Swiss National and Dutch league scoring legend for FC Twente, Blaise Nkufo, doesn't get here until the WC is over. If Montero and Zakuani can't get their shit together quickly, we could be in for a very long season.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:00 am
by Jonny
Chelski vs West Ham, half time and it's 1-1. Scott Parker's goal was an absolute cracker! He was given a bit of room and just buried the ball from outside the area. Class. From then on I couldn't hear the Chelsea support at all. And it's their home ground.

Hammers are not looking so solid at the back and I imagine a few changes might happen around 65 minutes in.

Great to hear the Hammers support still giving Lumphard shit, and Terry is getting a good dose, too.

Wish I was there.


Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:01 am
by Jonny
Pack of fucking cunts.

Robert Green and Scott Parker were just brilliant.

West Ham are just lacking organisation in defence and could do with a real creative midfielder. And a hard-nut enforcer midfielder. A goal poacher would be nice, too.

I watch, full of hope, scream for the goals, curse bitterly when we concede, but keep supporting. Hope.

West Ham United. We'll be there at the end of the year.

Oh, I think we'd do fine without Mido. Yes, he can score goals, but he has no heart.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:56 am
by gazza
Drift, I had been looking for a game review, but never saw one online.

Remember that Lungberg was also a Hammer.

Jonny, a draw would have been a dream result against Chelski, but I new we were going down at the Bridge.

Have you seen this blog:

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:51 pm
by Jonny
Thanks for the blog link, Gazza. I think he's pretty spot-on with his opinions.

Feeling a bit sad for Becks. Looks like he won't be available for the World Cup after buggering up his achillies (?iirc). Poor bastard must be totally gutted. He may recover in time, but seems doubtful he'll regain match fitness.

I know he's a bit of a controversial figure, so say what you will, but he has always been genuine quality, and I just feel quite sad for him. He's already won the most caps for England and this would have been a record-breaking fourth WC.

Hoping he proves the medics wrong and makes the team!

what's next?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:36 pm
by Drift
You know, it seems just as easy to be a Beckham hater as it is to be a ManU fan :D . It's douchebag this, asshole that. I just don't get it. Yeah, he's famous, rich and looks like a model, what? Every single word I've ever heard that guy utter has been total class, and his playing? Jebus. Who else in the world would you want feeding you the ball? And how cool was it to hear him explain why he put on the green and gold at Old Trafford?

Like I said, I just don't get it.

On to more pressing matters, like will the MLS manage to self-destruct right at the point when they are finally starting to realize their goals? This CBA thing has got me nervous. After reading what few details have come out, it seems like the players have some legitimate complaints that need to be rectified. I was looking at player salaries for the Sounders, and while about half of them make a pretty decent wage, the other half are just getting by or not even. Sanna Nyassi makes $20k a year to play in the MLS? WTF? Roger Levesque (all hail the 'stache) makes $40k? For fucks sake, that's what I make. The fact that there is no way to achive free-agent status, even after becoming a senior player in the league, seems unfair in the most heavy handed way.

Personally, I just want them to play, but I have to side with the players. Hopefully, magic Landycakes can some effect on the proceedings in DC, if he's not just sandbaggin it so he can get back to Everton.

It's gonna get interesting here in Sea-town if the players strike and the FO tries to field scabs on opening day.

Also looking forward to the Gunners/Hammers match tomorrow. I'll be cheering on the Hammers in honor of the brothers here.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:35 pm
by gazza
Beckham, Rossi, people love them and they love to hate them.

Both are atheletes that will be remembered as great champions.

Hammers did well for the most part against the gunners. I did not have high expectations. wait...oy vey.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:12 pm
by Drift
Yeah, the Hammers didn't have much for Wenger's crew. I'm beggining to hate the Arses. Why? Dunno...just starting to for some reason.

Thank jebus the MLS was able to get it together. That was too close to being just one big fucking disaster.

Now the question is: Do I remain being "good daddy" and watch the Sounders thursday match against the new Philly scumfuckers on the telly(because it's my kids's birthday - to be fair, their B-day party is on Saturday), or do I go the "bad daddy" route and take the totally free, swanky, club level tickets to the aforementioned footy match that were just offered to me?



Just watched Leeds go down to Millwall, 2-nil :x At least I was on the clock while doing it.

Today has had the suck stamped all over it.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:04 am
by gazza
I must say that I prefer Tottenham over Arsenal.

THe club tickets dilema is a tough one.

Three questions:
How old is your kid?
What time does the game start?
Does your sig. other not want you to go?

I am in a state of deep reserve because the Hammers are looking pretty sorry. My only hope is the DC / Revolution match with brunch in Charm City afterwards.

and on

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:03 am
by Drift
I must say that I prefer Tottenham over Arsenal.
I agree. I like watching the Spurs play just about anyone but Leeds. :)
Three questions:
How old is your kid?
What time does the game start?
Does your sig. other not want you to go?
1- Twins, boy and a girl, 5yrs old today
2- 6:30pm PST, so no time to go home (home-18 miles away, work - nearly right next to the pitch) after work.
3- Strangely enough, she would have been kinda OK with it, but I moved up in the table with the "good daddy" decision. Those tickets will actually come round again pretty soon, the birthday won't.

So, the telly it is.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:16 pm
by gazza
watching it on TV with your two best mates sounds great.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:52 pm
by Zer0
Olé olé olé!

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" ... edded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:50 am
by gazza
I am going to try that next time.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:23 am
by Jonny
All I have to say is this:


Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:45 pm
by gazza
Three massive points!


Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:53 pm
by Drift
It's been a tough week to be a Sounder supporter. Leeds on the other hand well...I'm becoming superstitious so I'm not saying one word about 'em until these next two games are over.

The Sounders are continuing the trend of low goal production that they set during the second half of last season. The finishing sucks. This week saw us leave 5 points on the road that should have come home. There was an uproar about the officitiating in Dallas (for the record - Referee Terry Vaughn's granny sucks cocks in hell), and while justified, is no excuse for not finishing perfectly easy, open chances on goal that would have rendered the officiating fiasco a moot point as would have keeping the ball out of our end in stoppage time.

For those not in the know, Sounders had Dallas 2-1 going into the 94th minute, only to have Terry Vaughn give a penalty kick to Dallas that was both a frightningly horrible call (as agreed upon by the Dallas players later), and dark-side-of-the-moon inconsistent with the rest of the match.

It came to a draw, it felt like a loss.

Then on to Toronto for a 2nd game in 4 days, EPL style. Sounders coach Sigi "Stardust" Schmid radically changed up the starting lineup and we played good possession football, but once again our inability to put the ball in the back of the net after creating good chances kept Toronto in the game. I never thought I would long to have Nate Jaqua in the lineup, but his presence (flailing giraffe-esque as it may be) is noticeably missed and I think I gave him too much shit last season.

Toronto capitalized on two MAJOR FUCKING ERRORS (read-poor ball handling in the box and a lacksadisical pass) by our two most consistent defenders and pulled out a much deserved win. I wish that guy De Rosario was on our side. I've been watching him for a couple of years now and he just strikes me as an old school hard-man (even with the ridiculous Bo Derek corn rows) with the ability to make shit happen and a level of INTENSITY that is lacking on the Sounders.

After watching the EPL, La Liga, Serie A and Champions League religiously all winter, I think I may be expecting too much from our lads in only their second year in MLS.


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:27 pm
by gazza
Don't sweat the Sounders. D.C. have not won a game. They have not even scored a goal.

Glory, Glory Leeds United!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 4:02 pm
by Drift

Goodbye Leauge One! Hello Championship! Premiership, you're next.

I have nothing to say about the Sounders as I might have a bit of the depressions set in. 'Oly Fookin 'Ell.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:20 pm
by gazza
Depression currently rides with D.C.

Hammers are through until next season!


Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:29 am
by Drift
Saw that the Hammers got through, that's good to see.

This last debaucle, losing 4-nil to the damn Galaxy at home, was a horrific sight to see. In fact, it was so bad the Sounders front office has given a refund to season ticket holders (all 32.5K) for the match.

After going down 2-nil they just gave up. It was truly pathetic. On a brighter note though, the first MLS minutes for our new rookie Miguel Montano looked jangleplatz! That guy is gonna be huge (and probably gone to Europe in the next couple of seasons).

I'm still in the glow about Leeds.


Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 9:49 am
by Zer0

Go to 1:12 and try to figure out wtf this guy's saying. The best is at 1:24. Sorry, host is annoying