I'm doing what I've been waiting three damn weeks to do.
Doing interetting and stuff, and
not at the speed of Hewlett Potato.
Yes, The Beastâ„¢ is hooked up and running, ha!
21 days since the motherboard died. 13 days since the disloyal leftover PC did a died, too.
13 days of being limited to a computer that couldn't generally keep up with my typing, would take most of a minute to open a context menu, and restricting background edutainment to whatever I could run on my tiny tablet. And that I then had to operate via the bloody touchscreen.
Now, I've got my big screen back. Yes, when your half blind ass, and your half blind eyes, need the app and text zoom factor of 225%, having a 32" screen is vastly superior to 24". Not to mention being able to stop and start youtube videos by mouse, not having to fumble with that crowded touchscreen (seriously, youtubte, your app's interface is like trying to operate the control panel of a nuclear plant with a broomstick tied to another broomstick). Oh bliss! Bliss and heaven! Oh, it's gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh!
The Beastâ„¢ is yet to be fully restored. It's sitting on a rolling tea-tray thing right now, all case panels taken off, only one of two massive radiators present (the one for the CPU), and the graphics getting handled not by my still fancy watercooled card but by the conventionally aspirated card I viscerated from the disloyal leftover PC.
And the restoration yet needs some bits. You know how it is.
Biggest problem are o-rings. After three years of sterling service, they have become set in their shape, they're not giving it up now. Elasticity zero.
Being a space nut, o-ring elasticity is something I'm very careful with. But can I just buy a bag of loose o-rings at the nearest o-ring store?
Not those non-metric 1/4" rings I can't.
Online, I kept finding only two options.
Option one, don't buy new rings. Buy complete new, pricey fittings, each coming with one single o-ring.
Option two, buying loose o-rings from a "domestic" seller. Amazon or Ebay, those "domestic" sellers would "ship domestic" in only 2+ weeks.
But where do I finally find loose o-rings, at a reasonable price, and due to arrive before Pentecost?
The same store that had saved my bacon with the unobtanium motherboard. You better believe I've bookmarked them.
So now, after doing some backups and updates, I'm gonna set up my new SSD to be mirrored on the buggy old SSD. Still gonna backup stuff elsewhere, too. But while it's still there, even if it won't boot reliably any longer, might as well.