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And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:22 pm
by Rench

Ah fuggit. I was vaguely trying to connect the frustrations of dealing with my wife's cuntflap friends to prejudism and such, and I think I vaguely have a point, but the words weren't right, so I just sounded like a Whiney asshole.

Thanks for the understanding Zim.


Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:43 pm
by Zim
Ah, the joys of parenting.

Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:48 am
by Bigshankhank
Now now, don't disparage the noble title of cuntflap, the (ex) wife of a contributor in good standing here made a point of imbuing that word with grace, and charm.

And don't try to fix other people. I heard a song the other about how you should "Shake it off". Good advice.

Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:09 pm
by Rench
Appealing to my closet Taylor Swift fandom I see, you are a sneaky man BSH... :mrgreen:

I hate to admit it, and it's pretty cliché, but it's the kid involvement. As soon as I get the impression one of my kids is somehow slighted or being put unfairly upon, my calm, collected, rational response is to kill everyone involved and move on.

Dating age will be Hell on everyone involved I'm afraid. Not like cheeky cute overbearing dad, or even appropriately menacing protective dad. More like lifelong scarring shots fired blood spattered dad.


Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:28 am
by MoraleHazard
Rench wrote:Appealing to my closet Taylor Swift fandom I see, you are a sneaky man BSH... :mrgreen:

I hate to admit it, and it's pretty cliché, but it's the kid involvement. As soon as I get the impression one of my kids is somehow slighted or being put unfairly upon, my calm, collected, rational response is to kill everyone involved and move on.

Dating age will be Hell on everyone involved I'm afraid. Not like cheeky cute overbearing dad, or even appropriately menacing protective dad. More like lifelong scarring shots fired blood spattered dad.

Another way to look at it is let (older children, at least) learn to handle other people who are jerks because they'll have to handle jerks when they're adults. IMO, parents who rush in protection mode at the tiniest slight aren't doing their kids any favors. It can, at extremes, lead to the extreme of mommy calling the boss to whine because her 24 year old ~boy~ was told that his work product was crap. (Yes, this happens.) Then again, I probably can't have kids in the end so WTF do I know.

With respect to potential dates for a teenage daughter, a good friend from the Navy did it best, I think. He was nice and friendly to potential dates, no theatrics like cleaning shotguns or whatever. If the date seem to him like a decent boy, he wouldn't drop the nice dad routine. If the guy seemed like a lout he would say, very conversationally, "It's nice meeting you [blah blah] and if you ever do anything to hurt my little girl, I will kill you." He would give the guy, the look, that said he meant it.

Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:16 am
by Rench
I've seen the mom calling thing even at my work!!! New guy was weirdly sheltered, got a bad review in his probationary year for showing up late, mom told boss at the Christmas party that she calls to wake him up every morning now so it won't be an issue again, like that's the right answer.


The times are getting loopy.

I'm actually probably too hard on the Renchlette in some ways, and now Renchita is starting to show vague signs of sentience. But at the age of 6, one should not have to face alone, or at all, the bag-o-wet-cats crazy that a coven of nurses on their (x)+1 marriages have to offer regarding her father.

But I digress...


Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:42 am
by Jaeger
MoraleHazard wrote:... If the guy seemed like a lout he would say, very conversationally, "It's nice meeting you [blah blah] and if you ever do anything to hurt my little girl, I will kill you." He would give the guy, the look, that said he meant it.
That seems like the best course of action. Also, now that I'm thinking about it, be sure to get a pic of him (overtly or covertly) so there's no misunderstanding who "he" is. :)

There's no need to be crude or vulgar, but it's important to have open and honest communication. :)


Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:19 am
by Rench
I always thought it would be fun to be all jovial working in the garage, invite the young lad in, have him hold a forgotten era tool while I pull the molten lead out of the fire, poor, have a friendly chat while it cools, then have him tap out the fresh bullet right when I snap the Polaroid, put them in a Baggie together and hang on the shelf next to any previous victims (some with the bullet missing from the bag).

"See you kids about 9:30? Ok! Have fun!!" :mrgreen:

In all reality, I would like to see any of them on the first time out. I set high standards even now, and if she's meeting them then, I'll have to respect her as an individual and her judgement. Explain it to the kid, explain he does the same, and suggest he look up "omertà" before the night gets too late. :shock:


Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:38 am
by Merlyn
MoraleHazard wrote:
Rench wrote: With respect to potential dates for a teenage daughter, a good friend from the Navy did it best, I think. He was nice and friendly to potential dates, no theatrics like cleaning shotguns or whatever. If the date seem to him like a decent boy, he wouldn't drop the nice dad routine. If the guy seemed like a lout he would say, very conversationally, "It's nice meeting you [blah blah] and if you ever do anything to hurt my little girl, I will kill you." He would give the guy, the look, that said he meant it.
Older cousin of mine (commonly referred to as "Uncle" Eddie, since he's my Father's first cousin) came up with the "Daughter's Boyfriend" speech I currently use:

"It's a simple progression, Son. She cries, you scream. She screams, you bleed. She bleeds... well, I'm sure a smart young man like you can see where this is going."

Guy has a manner about him that causes people to take offhand comments like that at face value. Probably because he's neither joking or exaggerating. I'm real fond of Uncle Eddie.


Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:01 pm
by Bigshankhank
To be fair Merlyn, as a parent you would hope she would bleed, occasionally. Its a good sign.

Re: And I (kinda) get it...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:55 am
by Merlyn
Bigshankhank wrote:To be fair Merlyn, as a parent you would hope she would bleed, occasionally. Its a good sign.

Well played