This measure is inconvenient, yes, but necessary at present.
Click below for more information.
First fix:
- open the menu at the top
- hit New Posts to see what's actually new and browse the new stuff from there
- go back to the Forum Index
- open the menu at the top again
- click Mark forums read
this will zero the unread anything for you, so you can strive forth into the exciting world of the new cookie thing.
Because the board got shutdown again because of a load of database, I had to fettle with the settings again.
As part of that,
the server no longer stores what topics you have or haven't read.
But now, that information lives in a delicious
cookie, rather than the forum database.
Upside: this should reduce the load of database.
Downside: if you use multiple devices to access the board, or you reject delicious cookies, you won't always have that information cookie. But the
New Posts feature should take care of that.
2024 LOGIN/Posting ISSUES
If you cannot Debauch because you get an IP blacklist error, try Debauching again time. It may work immediately, it may take a few attempts. It will work eventually, I don't think I had to click debauch more than three times. Someone is overzealous at our hosting company, but only on the first couple of attempts.
If you have problems logging in, posting, or doing anything else, please get in touch.
You know the email (if you don't, see in the registration info below), you know where to find the Administerrerrerr on the Midget Circus.
Some unpleasant miscreant was firing incessant database queries at our server, which forced the Legal Department of our hosting company, via their Abuse subdivision, to shut us down. No I have none.
All I can do it button the hatches, and tighten up a few things. Such as time limits on how long you may take to compose a post and hit Debauch! As of 24/01/10, I've set that at 30 minutes for now.
To restrict further overloads, any unregistered users had to be locked out.
How do we know who is or isn't an unregistered user?
By forcing anyone who wants in to Log In.
Is that annoying?
Yes. But there's only so much the Administerrerrerr can do to keep this place running.
Again, if you have any problems: get in touch.
Automatic registration is disabled for security reasons.
But fear not!
You can register!
Option the First:
Please drop our fearless Administerrerrerr a line.
Tell him who you are, that you wish to join, and what you wish your username to be. The Administerrerrerr will get back to you. If you're human, and you're not a damn spammer, expect a reply within 24 hoursish. Usually quicker, rarely slower.
Unfortunately, the Contact Form is being a total primadonna right now, so please send an email to the obvious address.
Posting this address in clear text is just the "on" switch for spambots, but here is a hint.
Option the Second:
Find us on Facebook, in the magnificent

Umah Thurman Midget Circus
Join up there, or just drop the modmins a message. They will pass any request on to the Administerrerrerr for this place.
A forum for the off topic stuff. Everything from religion to philosophy to sex to humor (see why it used to be called Buggery?). All manner of rude psychological abuse is welcome and encouraged.
- Fully Autonomous Cock-Puncher
- Location: Exiled to Living in a Van Down By The River
by Bigshankhank » Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:02 pm
Well, it looks like one of our dogs will not go on much longer. He's been struggling with lymphoma since the beginning of the year and the chemo has helped, but his health has rapidly declined in the last two weeks and at the vet's today they confirmed that his heart is failing. My wife and son are taking him home with some palliative meds tonight and the vet is coming by the house in the morning to put him to rest. That assumes he makes it that long, according to the vet a heart attack and/or stroke is imminent. We've made what peace we could with this when we got his cancer diagnosis this past spring but it still hurts like hell. TBH I was just happy he made it through the weekend, its bad enough with me being 2 hours from home for work much less 6 hours by plane and trying to take part in DOOM.
We have a spot picked out in the yard and a sapling in a pot that we've been meaning to plant for a while, so that will likely be my job for tomorrow evening when I get home.
Give your pets all the love you can, they are giving you all of theirs.

It's time for Humankind to ditch the imaginary friends of our species' childhood and grow the fuck up.
"Lasse mich deine Seele dem Herrscher der Finsternis opfern"
Let me sacrifice your soul to the ruler of darkness
Always carry a bottle of whiskey when you travel in case of a snakebite. Futhermore, always carry a small snake.
- Baron von Scrapple
- Location: NoVA
by Jaeger » Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:14 pm
Sorry, man.
That's the problem with getting attached to critters: those relationships basically always end the same way...
I still have a pic of Char up on my wall, and it's going to stay there.
Bigshankhank wrote:The world is a fucking wreck, but there is still sunshine in some places. Go outside and look for it.
2018 Indian Scout -- "Lilah"
- Fully Autonomous Cock-Puncher
- Location: Exiled to Living in a Van Down By The River
by Bigshankhank » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:22 am
As predicted, he passed away last night. Thankfully it was while he was sleeping and was relatively peaceful.
It's time for Humankind to ditch the imaginary friends of our species' childhood and grow the fuck up.
"Lasse mich deine Seele dem Herrscher der Finsternis opfern"
Let me sacrifice your soul to the ruler of darkness
Always carry a bottle of whiskey when you travel in case of a snakebite. Futhermore, always carry a small snake.
- Baron von Scrapple
- Location: NoVA
by Jaeger » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:52 am
Bigshankhank wrote:As predicted, he passed away last night. Thankfully it was while he was sleeping and was relatively peaceful.
Godspeed, dog. If you looked over BSH for all those years I hope there's some reward in the after.
Bigshankhank wrote:The world is a fucking wreck, but there is still sunshine in some places. Go outside and look for it.
2018 Indian Scout -- "Lilah"
- The Big Oooola
- Location: Tacoma
by Pintgudge » Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:18 pm
I am so sorry to hear about your dog passing on.
I have lost two cats in the last five years. They were more interesting and more concerned about me than any people.
I miss them a lot.
If man is fit to be governed, is any man fit to govern?
These are the days of miracles and wonder!
'81 Goldwing Standard w/'61 Ural Sidecar
'06 Bajaj Chetak
- Zaphod's Zeitgeist
- Location: Potato
by DerGolgo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:15 pm
I'm so sorry man.
It's been 12 years since I took my last dog to the vet to be put down. His body was riddled with melanoma, he was in constant pain, it was an act of mercy.
I think of him on more days than not, and I still have his leash. Once I get the insurance thing settled, and can move to a larger place, it's the leash I will use with my new dog.
A dog is a wonderful companion. They developed symbiotically with humans, they just fill a dog-shaped hole in your life. They stay with us a long time.
You took more than good care of him (I had never even thought that there was chemo for dogs). You gave him a loving home, evidently, and he passed peacefully. You done right by him.
If there were absolutely anything to be afraid of, don't you think I would have worn pants?
I said I have a big stick.
- Fully Autonomous Cock-Puncher
- Location: Exiled to Living in a Van Down By The River
by Bigshankhank » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:10 am
DerGolgo wrote:I'm so sorry man.
It's been 12 years since I took my last dog to the vet to be put down. His body was riddled with melanoma, he was in constant pain, it was an act of mercy.
I think of him on more days than not, and I still have his leash. Once I get the insurance thing settled, and can move to a larger place, it's the leash I will use with my new dog.
A dog is a wonderful companion. They developed symbiotically with humans, they just fill a dog-shaped hole in your life. They stay with us a long time.
You took more than good care of him (I had never even thought that there was chemo for dogs). You gave him a loving home, evidently, and he passed peacefully. You done right by him.
My son is going to keep his tags and use them as his keychain fob. Lease and collar will be donated to a shelter. His sister (same age, different breed mix) is mourning him more than we thought she would, and the house is just, quieter than normal.
Chemo for dogs, as it was explained to us by the veterinary oncologist, is not to cure so much as it is to ease suffering. A human can understand that aggressive chemo will make them sick in an effort o make them well, but its hard to make a dog understand that, so they get a pretty light dose and just hope to extend their life rather than really beat the cancer.
It's time for Humankind to ditch the imaginary friends of our species' childhood and grow the fuck up.
"Lasse mich deine Seele dem Herrscher der Finsternis opfern"
Let me sacrifice your soul to the ruler of darkness
Always carry a bottle of whiskey when you travel in case of a snakebite. Futhermore, always carry a small snake.
- Yap. Doomed for all eternity.
- Location: Indy
by red » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:48 am
Sorry for the loss of your pup. It will be 2 years on the 21st, that I lost my first dog. It's damn hard to lose them and they take a piece of us when they go. But, on the bright side, you can fill that spot with another pup that needs a great home.
Proud Survivor From Thread Hole 64 Campaign
1998 Ducati 900SS/CR
1987 CBR600F Hurricane Sprawl Bike
-=High Tech / Low Life=-